Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


The Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang of Utopia Architecture & Design pulls upon the most ubiquitous and fascinating pattern of numbers in all of mathematics – the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence itself is a simple one, beginning with a zero or one, with each number in the sequence equaling the sum of the two before (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ad infinitum). As one progresses along the sequence, the ratio between each adjacent number increasingly approaches the magical 1.6180339887… or the 1.618 used by the ancient Greeks to establish the Golden Ratio which many of us recognize today by it’s visual depiction as a rectangle broken down into a series of increasingly smaller rectangles. It’s this “golden rectangle” that Wang has extruded to create a beautifully versatile piece of metal furniture/art which can be deconstructed then reconstructed before being placed upon a metal table base (the only portion of the piece that does not nestle into the parameters of the golden rectangle).

It’s a stunning piece and perhaps that should come as no surprise, as both the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio are famed (although more recently questioned) for for their pleasing proportions and their recurrent appearance in nature – think the swirling of a shell, the branching of a tree, the proportions of the human face, and even in the great creations of our species from art to architecture to design.


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Fibonacci Shelf by Peng Wang


Peng Wang’s most recent contact information has him reachable via the website and email


Hat tip to DesginBoom for bringing this stunner to D’s attention.