This January, Swiss origami artist Sipho Mabona plans to fold a life size (3 meter tall) white elephant from a 15 meter by 15 mete square sheet of paper. The unprecedentedly-large-scale folding event is slated to take place over the course of several weeks at the KKLB art museum in Beromünster, Switzerland where (if you can’t stop by to view it in person) it will be live streamed for the world to see.





The impetus for the project, which is currently seeking crowdfunding on indiegogo, is to change the public’s perception of origami and show what a powerful art form it can be. As Sipho, the project’s creator states, “There are no limits to what can be made out of a square piece of paper…”



To learn more about the project and help bring Sipho’s White Elephant to life, swing by its crowdfund site at indiegogo. And if you missed our coverage on Sipho back in October of last year… be sure to swing by for some serious origami goodness.


Images courtesy of Sipho Mabona.
Video WHITE ELEPHANT from Justin Stoneham on Vimeo